Sunday, November 25, 2012


For some weird reason I always find myself working on the blog @ 3:00 am.  This time I'm up wide awake at this inhuman hour because Doni thought she smelled a skunk in the house.  Now how a skunk would get in here this late at night or how it would silently survive an encounter with our Pit Bull Granddogger Roxy I have no idea.  But Doni apparently felt like it was within the realm of possibility so here I am.  I admit that there was a less than savory smell in the house but I can't seem to find any skunks in the place so I'm gonna put it down to something nasty in the trash.  Anyway it gave me a chance to stoke up the fire and reflect on our decision to get out of the suburbs and move out here.  I gotta tell ya I feel better and better about it everyday.  Every morning when I look out our window and see the sun coming up through the trees I feel blessed and happy in a way I haven't known since I was a boy.  I'm working harder than I have in a long time but it is good honest work and directly on things that affect my life with Doni.  Anyway I'm having a blast even though it is 3:00 am.

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